Sunday, November 29, 2015

Are You Productive or Just Busy?

By: Rachael "BluLotus" Bynum
Being “busy” for the sake of being busy is a waste. Instead, be productive.
1..Plant your seed (ideas/dreams) in fertile soil with proper planning and good intent.
2.Water it with love by adding nutrients of evolving ideas while imagining that dream.
3. Allow light and air to bring growth to that seed (idea).
4.Get rid of any harmful insects or dis-eases that may attack the seed’s development.These are better known as bad habits, poor association, and distractions.
5. Get out of the way and watch magic happen.
LETTING GO and allowing nature to run it’s course is truly an art….It’s where most get impatient or quit.But if you’ve planted the seed with love and good intent, just like nature, it has no choice but to manifest. Your season is almost here. Patience, my friend. Trust yourself and trust that your seed will grow.

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