Sunday, November 29, 2015

How Do You Perceive Yourself?

 By: Rachael "BluLotus" Bynum

Self perception involves truly getting to know yourself. You must have a self assessment of how you see yourself. Determine who you are, your strengths and weaknesses, and how you can use your assets to your advantage. In being honest with yourself, you can also determine what areas need work.
I think we all have had our share of moments where we sabotaged ourselves by thinking, “I’m not ready…. I’m not good enough….I’m not pretty enough…. or I’m not smart enough.” But compared to who? You are just as  capable as the next person…. the only difference is they believed in themselves. We have to have faith in our capabilities and invest in our growth.
Starting new habits, working out, buying a new wardrobe,and speaking positive affirmations can help in forming a better perception as well. You will feel more confident by doing things that make you look and feel good.
Since self perception determines our behavior, we have to empty our cup that’s full of doubt and fear in order to fill it with new ways of thinking that will move us forward in life.
Perception matters.

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