Wednesday, November 11, 2015

You are Not the Mind...

“The Intuitive Mind is a Sacred Gift and the Rational Mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the Gift.”
~Albert Einstein

It may seem a little confusing to make such a statement like, "you are not the mind." But we must realize, with the news, radio, commercials, magazines, video games, and etc in the world, our brain picks up these images and we are being programmed to think a certain way. Society shapes our mind and tells us what car to drive, what to wear, where to shop, etc..
We have become slaves to our mind. But if you train the mind and master it, it becomes your servant.
One thing you must realize……
You are not the mind, nor the thoughts that pass through it. Though it might be hard to accept this idea, the mind is not you, but only a tool that you use. It is a valuable instrument, but it has to be taught to obey you.

The real you is spirit....Spirit was given a body, mind, and soul  in order to observe and interpret the world in which we live. It is more powerful than any of the others because spirit cannot die....Spirit is the essence that connects you to every living organism throughout the universe.

Discipline and mastery of emotions and the mind will lead to mental strength that can be used as a tool that obeys your spirit.

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