Wednesday, December 2, 2015

What are the Healing Arts?

By: Rachael "BluLotus" Bynum, Healing Arts Practitioner 

What Are the Healing Arts?

The healing arts are used to as a way to promote healing, wellness, coping, and personal development.  The arts include visual, performing, auditory, therapeutic/energetic touch, and literary. These approaches utilize creative expression to transform the person's state of psychological and spiritual well being. These sessions are led by therapists experienced in both areas.

Are you already using the Arts? 

There is a fine line between the artist and the healer. When was the last time you let music speak to your soul? Do you still color or paint? Activities like drawing, dancing, writing, singing, acting, or playing an instrument are all ways to tap into the traditional healing arts. It is a way of knowing yourself better on the deepest levels, connecting with others, coping with stress, and communicating your inner experience in a way that is most comfortable for you.

Non Traditional Healing Art Forms 

When was the last time your hands touched the dirt the way it did as a child? Gardening and cooking help you to experience your senses and connect with nature. Laughter is good for the soul and helps to boost the immune system. Meditation, yoga, and guided imagery bring us into a deep relaxation, and helps us feel more connected to our body, nature and the universe in which we live. Crystal Healing is an art form that can clear your aura and rebalance your mind, body, and spirit. Therapeutic touch in the form of massage promotes healing and rest by increasing the circulation of blood and lymph, and by releasing any tension that the body may be carrying. Other examples are Reiki, which is energy healing, or by using sound healing through Tibetan Singing Bowls or Tuning Forks. 

How Healing Art Practitioners use the Arts? 

Healing arts therapies are tailored to the individual, using methods that the person will identify with. Healing arts practitioners understand that health is not just the absence of dis-ease but a creation of positive opportunities that impact the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual states of a person's well being. Practitioners use the arts to get their client/patient to a better psychological state and life situation, as they're coping with stress, illness, hurt, or trauma....or simply as an outlet of self expression. Practitioners are found is hospitals to create a healthier environment, or they may work with youth, community centers, art centers, private practices, spas, complimentary & alternative health centers, etc.. 

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