Friday, November 20, 2015

Emotional Health Promotes Physical Health


By: Rachael "BluLotus" Bynum

It’s no secret these days that there is clear connection between the mind, body, and spirit.

I know you can think of a time in your life when you were grieving from a bad break up…. or you lost a job…. or you loss someone close to you.

You probably felt horrible….

In this instance, it’s almost as if you can feel the pain in your physical body eating away at you.

You may even start to get a headache, fever, cold-sweats, and loss of appetite.

Your adrenal glands and sympathetic nervous system are at their peak and your body starts to physically shut down.

When your adrenaline is running high, your heart rate increases, your stomach slows down digestion, and your body tenses up causing pain and soreness to name a few things. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, each organ correlates to an emotion. For example: 

Anger affects the liver.

Grief affects the lungs. 

Stress affects the heart and brain.

Worry affects the stomach.

Fear affects the kidneys. 

This is why some "pee their pants" when afraid (kidneys).....and also consider the liver of the angry alcoholic. 

Love can bring peace and harmony to your entire being. 

Exercising, meditation, deep breathing, and talking with someone are all ways to help you let go of all that you’re feeling. Drawing, listening to music, journaling, hanging with loved ones, and dancing can help change your mood. When your thoughts and mood changes, you will start creating a healthier environment for physical health and well being.


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