Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Coconut Water Fast anyone?

Coconut Watering fasting is my favorite way of fasting. This is because I am giving my digestive system a break, bust still getting all the nutrients and healing properties of the young coconut water.

For those who may not know, Coconut Water comes from the young green coconuts on the Coconut Palm Tree in tropical locations. It is rich in electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, and calcium. It contains no harmful fats, prescribed, or cholesterol which is s great alternative to commercial sports drinks that are high in sugar like high fructose corn syrup.

Coconut Water has been known to lower the blood pressure, cure hangovers, boost the immune system, and help with acid reflux. It promotes healthy skin and its antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial. It is said to kill intestinal parasites because of this.

The pH of Coconut Water is also isotonic with our blood so it can be used as a plasma substitute and to processed baby milk because it contains Laurie acid.

I am preparing to do another 3 day coconut water fast on July 7! You can do longer if you wish. I plan to do about 5-7 days. If you are interested in this fast, please let me know. I can provide 2 varitations of this fast: Coconut Water Detox Fast or Coconut Water & Green Juice Detox. Both will come with  instructions and information on how to order Florida fresh young coconuts and a coconut opener for the fast. Each persons price will slightly vary due to your shipping location in the US.

Please keep in mind that I am not a physician, and do not seek to treat, diagnose, or heal any condition. I'm just offering my experience and what I have done to naturally heal and detox my own body. I will offer this fast through Blu Lotus Wellness at HealingArtsBodywork.com and Wholistic Fit Chicks . It's for ANYONE who wants to join us in strengthening the mind, body, and soul via coconut water fasting!!

Watch me bust a nut HERE....the coconut, that is!!!

Take charge of your healing journey NOW.....and

Reply "MORE INFO"  and choose an option: 
Coconut Water Detox Fast 
Coconut Water & Green Juice Detox Fast

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