Thursday, September 10, 2015

It's interesting to me that...

It's interesting to me that ancient cultures documented what they saw around them. They studied the star systems which led to calendars. They meditated, which led to writing spiritual and religious texts. They discovered how to use nature to heal (herbology, crystal healing, reflexology, Ayurveda, acupuncture) by knowing the elements and the body. They had to figure this out, of course. 

They used supreme mathematics to build structures like pyramids in places like so called Egypt, the Mayas, Nubia, China,etc.. We sure aren't building any today smh.  

NOW all we do is study THEIR religions....Debate THEIR writings....or study THEIR philosophy. 

Why have we stopped CREATING and THINKING? Why are we NOT questioning old scientific THEORIES as we should? 

Don't let anyone kill your ability to QUESTION this QUEST we are on in life. Of course we can learn from the "past" but the MOST valuable things we learn will be OUTSIDE of a book....through experience, observation, and inner reflection we can come to know the  things we really need to know.

 Knowledge can be in a book, but Wisdom and Inner/Overstanding comes through EXPERIENCE, which only LIFE through LIVING brings. So LIFE through observation is the REAL teacher in this school of life. U-are-IN-VERSE....don't you know you came here equipped with everything already INSIDE of you that you need to navigate this realm so called Earth? 

Think about it...